Põleva Kaelaga Kirjaku performatiivsete etenduste eesmärk on näidata elus- ja ühiskonnas toimuvat tsirkusenumbri ehk sketši võtmes. See on tegevuskunstnike vaba tõlgendus klassikalisest tsirkusest, teatrist ja performancekunstist, milles leidub etteasteid lihtlabastest naljadest kontseptuaalse performance-ni. Pantomiimi ja grotesksete rekvisiitide vahendusel, kujutatakse läbi kõverpeegli elu koos kõigi selle veidrustega. Tsirkus-Kunst-Teater ohverdab kaasaegse kunsti ja kultuuri paradigmad ja see on naljakas, sest naerame iseenda üle. Kunst ei pea alati olema rõhutatult tõsine ja püüame olulistest asjadest rääkides kasutada peamise väljendusvahendina huumorit. Sõltuvalt kohast ja esinejatest on kõik etteasted ainulaadsed. Igaks etenduseks valmistatakse ette uued numbrid ja vanemad stseenid ei kordu kunagi täpselt samasugustena. Rühmituse „Põleva Kaelaga Kirjak“ tuumik koosneb kogenud performancekunstnikest. Etendustes osalejate hulk ja nimistu on pidevas muutumises, kaasates sageli performance-id jälgiva publikugi
´Giraffe with the Flaming Neck´ is a reflection of society in the form of short sketches. Circus-Art-Theater sacrifices the paradigms of modern art and culture with freakish jokes and conceptual performances. It is funny, and they make fun of themselves. A group of clowns, mermaids, and bearded ladies mime and use grotesque props to represent life in all its bizarreness. Art doesn't always have to be emphatically serious, and they try to use humor as a main means of expression when talking about important things. 'Giraffe with the Flaming Neck' mixes pure performance art with theatre and circus elements and shows the various sides of everyday life through the curved mirror. Each performance is unique with specially prepared elements and props. Older scenes are never repeated exactly the same way, even if the topics are reused. Members vary, but the core of the group has remained the same - changing only a little over time and consists of experienced performance artists. Often the audience is involved as well.
´Giraffe with the Flaming Neck´ is a reflection of society in the form of short sketches. Circus-Art-Theater sacrifices the paradigms of modern art and culture with freakish jokes and conceptual performances. It is funny, and they make fun of themselves. A group of clowns, mermaids, and bearded ladies mime and use grotesque props to represent life in all its bizarreness. Art doesn't always have to be emphatically serious, and they try to use humor as a main means of expression when talking about important things. 'Giraffe with the Flaming Neck' mixes pure performance art with theatre and circus elements and shows the various sides of everyday life through the curved mirror. Each performance is unique with specially prepared elements and props. Older scenes are never repeated exactly the same way, even if the topics are reused. Members vary, but the core of the group has remained the same - changing only a little over time and consists of experienced performance artists. Often the audience is involved as well.
Tsirkus- Kunst- Teater "Põleva Kaelaga Kirjak" on:
Circus -Art - Theatre "Giraffe with the Flaming Neck" are:
Taave Tuutma, Margus "Sorge" Tiitsmaa, Meeland Sepp, Kaarel Kütas, Mari Prekup, Mari Kartau, Rodrig Kokla, Teet Raudsepp, Martti "Habe" Suurorg, Billeneeve, Steve Vanoni, Janno Bergmann, Kätlin Piile, Katrin Piile, Johanna Sipilä, Risto Puurunen, Marianne Männi, Ville-Karel Viirelaid, Tanel Saar, Britta Benno, Karoliine Piile, Katja Oksanen, Ken Siebert, Airi Altnurme, Juhan Vihterpal, Lauri Koppel, Jana Zatvarnicka, Liivi Tantaal, Marita Lumi, Olavi Sander, Tuuliki Avango, Märt Kütas, Merike Bakhoff, Lauri Luud, Ernest Truley, Tiiu Rebane, Karl Nagel, Rita Reeri Nagel, Lui Ruut Plink, Lembit Kass, Triinu Jürves, Villem Jahu, Katri Meh, Olavi Kõrre, Roi Vaara, Erno Võsa, Rauno Teider, Klaudia Tiitsmaa, Hannah Harkes, Kata-Riina Luide, Erik Alalooga, Indrek Palu, Indrek Aija, Heiko Kivila, Paulo Ramos, Kersti Vallikivi- Ramos, Meri Hietala, Maija Kivi, Juan Luis Cobo, Itu Vanen, Philip Luddite, Kaisa Vigman, Argo Saluste, Tapio Ilmari Aaltonen, Katrina Sepp, Gerda-Anette Allikas, Grisli Soppe, Gaëtan Larant, Janek Karakatš, [Olle Meyer], [Ig Noir], [Peeter Allik] [Vormsi Enn] jt.
Circus -Art - Theatre "Giraffe with the Flaming Neck" are:
Taave Tuutma, Margus "Sorge" Tiitsmaa, Meeland Sepp, Kaarel Kütas, Mari Prekup, Mari Kartau, Rodrig Kokla, Teet Raudsepp, Martti "Habe" Suurorg, Billeneeve, Steve Vanoni, Janno Bergmann, Kätlin Piile, Katrin Piile, Johanna Sipilä, Risto Puurunen, Marianne Männi, Ville-Karel Viirelaid, Tanel Saar, Britta Benno, Karoliine Piile, Katja Oksanen, Ken Siebert, Airi Altnurme, Juhan Vihterpal, Lauri Koppel, Jana Zatvarnicka, Liivi Tantaal, Marita Lumi, Olavi Sander, Tuuliki Avango, Märt Kütas, Merike Bakhoff, Lauri Luud, Ernest Truley, Tiiu Rebane, Karl Nagel, Rita Reeri Nagel, Lui Ruut Plink, Lembit Kass, Triinu Jürves, Villem Jahu, Katri Meh, Olavi Kõrre, Roi Vaara, Erno Võsa, Rauno Teider, Klaudia Tiitsmaa, Hannah Harkes, Kata-Riina Luide, Erik Alalooga, Indrek Palu, Indrek Aija, Heiko Kivila, Paulo Ramos, Kersti Vallikivi- Ramos, Meri Hietala, Maija Kivi, Juan Luis Cobo, Itu Vanen, Philip Luddite, Kaisa Vigman, Argo Saluste, Tapio Ilmari Aaltonen, Katrina Sepp, Gerda-Anette Allikas, Grisli Soppe, Gaëtan Larant, Janek Karakatš, [Olle Meyer], [Ig Noir], [Peeter Allik] [Vormsi Enn] jt.